Easy fundraising ideas can be hard to come by, so that’s why we’ve created a list of the top five easiest and most approachable ideas that you can implement quickly and painlessly. Big or small, chic or casual, it doesn’t really matter what your event looks like – as long as you’re keeping things simple and enjoyable. The idea of fundraiser campaigns are to raise money for an awesome cause too, so having a variety of ways to raise money at the event is essential.
The idea of holding a fundraiser already caught your fancy? You can start your fundraising campaign now!
1. Donate Christmas presents

Ashlyn has a little 1-year old boy. ‘He has far more toys, books and clothes than he can use’, she says. ‘I often end up giving them away and it’s such a waste.’
If you’re a parent and this sounds like you, what about asking family and friends to donate in lieu of gifts this holiday season? Here’s a wonderful example from Marieka and Jon. ‘As Freya reaches her second year on earth [we] want to celebrate her young life by helping another’s’, reads their fundraising page. Beautiful!
BTO CEO and Founder, Geoff, has sent a message out to family and friends, also letting them know his preference for donations in lieu of gifts. In terms of an awesome & super easy fundraising idea, this is our favourite pick. It’s a simple, genuine and relatively hassle-free way to organise your fundraiser!
2. Host a dinner

With the holiday season coming up, what about gathering friends and family for a dinner together?
Potluck dinners means that everyone contributes a dish, and you can raise money by asking for donations through admission fees, or you can share or auction the recipes of the dishes that are brought. Pressure’s off, because the responsibility for the event’s success is shared around with everyone!
If you’re in the southern hemisphere with summer coming up, the smell of the barbecue has probably has many mouths watering. No doubt your family and friends would be more than happy to donate a small admission fee for a sunny BBQ dinner! Whether you’re grilling steaks and burgers, or mushrooms and corn on the cob – you really can’t go wrong. You can even make extra funds by selling homemade barbecue sauces, or even making it a contest by asking guests to judge top grill skills.
3. Host holiday season drinks

There’s no time like the holiday season to invite a small group of friends around. Consider breaking open the liquor cabinet and a book of cocktail recipes, and charging a small fee per drink, or just one admission fee.
If liquor isn’t your thing, mocktails are also a great option. Here’s a list of healthy non-alcoholic cocktail recipes.
4. Make it a team thing

Gather a few friends that you have a common interest with, and see what strengths you can work in to. Are you runners/cyclists/climbers? Keven raised nearly $300 by tackling the 5 big peaks of Hong Kong over a 100km trail run! (WOW, by the way).
Consider doing something like this solo, but perhaps also as a team – stuff like this tends to be easier to organise over the holiday season with people taking time off work and more than a few public holidays up your sleeve. More friends = more fun + raise more money!
5. A garage sale!

What about a thorough home clean-up, in the name of a good cause? You can either donate a portion or all of your garage-sale profits. These are probably things that you haven’t been using or wouldn’t notice that they’re gone, and will make space for new things, or some lovely open space in your home. December is a great month for holding a garage sale, as people tend to be more likely to consider making purchases. This one’s a win-win for everyone! Here’s some more tips for planning a fundraising garage sale.
The bottom line is that fundraisers are about raising money for a great cause, but also to have a good time. Play to your strengths, and involve something you love as part of your easy fundraiser idea – whether that’s cooking, socialising, getting physical, getting an overdue spring-clean over and done with, or anything else.
So, what do you think! Have our fundraising ideas inspired you? It’s time to start your campaign!
November 10, 2016