What would it mean to be sustainable?

May 2, 2024

As the global pandemic challenged the resilience of Beyond the Orphanage (BTO) and its partners were inspired to embark on a journey towards long-term sustainability, recognising the importance of resilience and transformative change. Through a comprehensive skills audit, we engaged our partners in a dialogue about their vision for self-sufficiency and independence. We asked them, ‘what...

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Empowering independence: BTO’s founding principles

March 27, 2024

In order for Beyond the Orphanage (BTO) to remain focused on empowering children towards independence, it is crucial for us to reflect on our organisation’s mission each and every day. Our mission: To partner with, empower and equip local community organisations to provide vulnerable children with a safe place to grow and thrive. Founded on the belief...

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Dr Bobbie Legg plays games and reads with young children. People are smiling and interacting

The power of picture books

July 4, 2023

Imagine for one moment you couldn't hear your world. Learning about it from what you see becomes even more important. Books provide an opportunity for all our senses to be ignited as we delve into vivid worlds crafted by the imagination of their authors. Picture books especially, serve as a powerful medium, their significance going beyond the...

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The importance of safe transportation for deaf students

June 6, 2023

Imagine you're walking on a busy road and you can't hear what's coming up behind you. How would you feel? Now imagine, you're at home and it's your child on that busy road. They have to walk this way to school everyday, sometimes 2.5kms in each direction. “It’s very dangerous to walk on the side of the single...

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Nepalese kids

Future-proofing BTO

April 25, 2023

Beyond the Orphanage (BTO) has taken steps in recent years to ensure the long-term viability of BTO by implementing measures to future-proof the organisation. This has included devising and implementing strategies to secure BTO's future, including identifying a suitable successor to chair the Australian Board. After serving on the Board of BTO for seventeen years, our founder...

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Four young women stand in long green grass with their backs to the camera. They're making heart shapes with their hands.

It’s all about Period Power

March 28, 2023

Did you know that 85% of young people in our programs are at the age of menstruation?  More than 500 million people worldwide do not have what they need to manage their periods. Many women and girls lack access to adequate menstrual health management supplies and education, and it can have serious consequences. In 2022, Beyond the...

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Celebrating our partners on World NGO Day

February 24, 2023

The 27th of February marked World NGO Day, a day to celebrate, commemorate and collaborate with the various non-government organisations (NGOs) around the world, and the people behind them that contribute to society all year round. Beyond the Orphanage (BTO) is proud to be working with our partners - Alfajiri, Star Children, Nawajiwan, Sano Paila and...

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Children standing with their backs to the camera, visiting a temple. They're standing on stairs

New year, new opportunities

February 1, 2023

As we welcome the new year, the Beyond The Orphanage (BTO) team are looking forward to the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead. Last year you helped us provide over 2,500 weekly meals, right through to ensuring nearly 60 menstrual health packs were sent to young women in our programs as part of our menstrual equity...

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BTO staff members pose for photo with children at Nepal homes.

Providing vulnerable children with opportunities

December 3, 2022

Our vision is to provide children – no matter their background – with a safe place to call home, people to call family and equal opportunity to become self-sufficient adults. Over the last 12 months you have helped achieve this vision. Here are a few key areas where your support was directed: Meals provided: over 2,500 a...

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Nairobi slums

Empowering families in unthinkable circumstances

November 2, 2022

Kenya is experiencing its worst drought in more than 40 years. Its effects are having devastating consequences. More than 11.6 million people cannot access enough water for drinking, cooking and cleaning. Women and children are at heightened risk of violence and exploitation, and the drought is hampering children’s access to education. With an estimated 250,000 children already...

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