New year, new opportunities

Hannah Smith

As we welcome the new year, the Beyond The Orphanage (BTO) team are looking forward to the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead.

Last year you helped us provide over 2,500 weekly meals, right through to ensuring nearly 60 menstrual health packs were sent to young women in our programs as part of our menstrual equity project.

The coming year looks just as busy with plans in place to expand programs such as period power, whilst we also have a new group of young people headed into the Beyond School Program.

To kick start 2023 the operations team participated in a cultural awareness workshop which gave us all more understanding of the countries we operate in. Next month we will come together with our partners to start planning the new financial year and identify specific needs, while our wellbeing team has already started trauma care training and planning support programs for children who have more complex needs.

I am excited to get to work with all that we have to do and I thank you for coming on this journey with us.

We will be sharing the impact of your commitment to us throughout the year so please ensure you follow along either through social media or our newsletter.

I look forward to bringing you stories of hope throughout 2023.

Warmest regards,

Amy Horrocks
CEO, Beyond the Orphanage

February 1, 2023

Next Steps

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