It’s all about Period Power

Hannah Smith

Did you know that 85% of young people in our programs are at the age of menstruation? 

More than 500 million people worldwide do not have what they need to manage their periods. Many women and girls lack access to adequate menstrual health management supplies and education, and it can have serious consequences.

In 2022, Beyond the Orphanage partnered with Days for Girls to launch a project called Period Power with our main goal being menstrual equity for the women in our programs. Our wonderful donor community gave us the initial funds to start this program.

As part of this project, Mausam (Project Lead in Nepal) provided a report on one of the menstrual equity orientation programs. Key outcomes from the program were:

    • 58 participants
    • Interactive discussion with questions and answers about menstrual and sexual health
    • Menstrual hygiene kits provided

Over the next 12 months, we are working to provide different product options, roll out more education, and create a menstrual health program for our deaf community.

Can you help? We would love your support! Please share this Period Power one-pager with anyone you know who might be interested in helping support this program.

March 28, 2023

Next Steps

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