Best wishes to Bishnu

September 23, 2022

After her family experienced HIV-related discrimination, Bishnu dedicated her life to mothering HIV-infected children in Nepal. When HIV-infected children are orphaned, abandoned or unable to be properly cared for, they have a loving home with our in-country partner Star Children. Along with shelter, nutritious food and medical care, they receive love, something that every child deserves...

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Abhas is Kicking Goals

August 31, 2022

Despite having a challenging start in life, Abhas is matching his passion for football with talent. Abhas is from one of the poorest districts in Nepal. His father passed away when he was a small child, and his mother was unable to look after him. She sent him to live in Kathmandu, hoping he would have...

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Asha’s Happily Ever After

August 3, 2022

After tragically losing her parents, and then her home with her older sister, Asha was taken in by BTO’s partner Sano Paila in Nepal. She was given not just food, healthcare and shelter, but a new home with housemothers, brothers and sisters. One of the greatest needs fulfilled by BTO programs is a child’s need...

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Guiding children forward to heal

July 5, 2022

In 2021, Beyond the Orphanage pioneered its Wellness Committee, a group of strong female leaders in Nepal who are invested in child protection. Nepal and Kenya’s higher education systems are yet to offer courses dedicated to mental health treatment and trauma recovery. BTO is working to build greater knowledge of trauma informed care and mental health...

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Bringing Faith Beyond School

June 9, 2022

BTO’s Beyond School Program supports young people like Faith to fulfil their professional dreams and reach independence. Faith’s mother died when she was just four years old. Along with her younger brother, Faith has been raised by their grandmother in a tiny room in the slums of Nairobi. Her grandmother’s meagre wage from casual employment hardly...

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A day to cherish our women

May 4, 2022

This International Women’s Day (IWD) 2022, BTO board member Kate Fewings took the opportunity to fund activities that would benefit women in our programs not just for one day, but for years to come. IWD is an opportunity to reflect on the essential role that women play in our lives, and where we are on the...

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Isaac’s Story

April 7, 2022

When he was 16 years old, Isaac was living on the streets of Nairobi and critically ill from kidney failure. Living in substandard conditions and sleeping in the rain had taken its toll. Our partner Alfajiri learnt of his situation when he attended its art therapy workshops, and supported him to completely turn his life around. Isaac...

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We’re so proud of Jeevan!

March 4, 2022

After spending most of his 19 years with Star Children, a residential home for HIV-affected young people, Jeevan is ready to fly the nest. And we couldn’t be prouder! When Jeevan was only 5 years old, he was brought with his older sister to Star Children after their HIV-positive parents passed away. When they first arrived,...

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No girl should be held back by her period

February 9, 2022

Without proper menstrual health, young women can have regular infections, unmanaged pain and shame around what is happening to their bodies. A period should never hold any young woman back and with 85% of the young women in our programs at menstruating age, menstrual health is a priority for our care model. The Period Power...

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Soumy’s Cancer Treatment with Love from our Youth

December 10, 2021

When 7-year-old Soumy from rural Nepal was diagnosed with Hodgkin Lymphoma his parents could never have anticipated that four young women on the other side of the world would step in to raise money for his treatment. Not knowing how they would pay for the six-month cancer treatment, Soumy’s parents turned to their local government...

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