How to Help Orphans and Children in Need

According to UNICEF there are more than 140 million orphaned children in the world. These children are starving…for food, education, shelter, opportunity and a parent’s love.

Statistics on children in need are impersonal. When you stop thinking about nameless numbers and consider the individual, you know that helping even one starving child is a step in the right direction.

There are many ways to help orphans and children in need from giving money to getting involved.


If you want to help children in need here are our top tips:

Donate – make a one-off donation, or a regular contribution and help a child in need to have a better life.

Sponsor – a child’s education, medical expenses, shelter and food. These are things we all take for granted, and they can transform the life of a child in need.

Request – for your next birthday ask for donations to your favourite charity that supports children in need rather than accepting gifts.

Fundraise – help organize a charity event to raise funds for children in need with the proceeds going to sponsor a child’s education or trauma counseling or medical expenses.

Spread the word – share this page with your family, friends and colleagues. Ask everyone you share this page with to share with their own networks and grow the number of people thinking about children in need.


At Beyond The Orphanage we have helped over 1000 children in need. We take the philosophy that by helping a single child to have a better life we are also helping their community, and contributing to the bigger picture of a shared humanity.