Major Partners
We work very closely with our major partners, with relationships that have spanned across many years. The work we do with each and every one of them involves many different ways in which they help in our local programs around the world. Our major partners have access to quarterly progress reports on all our programs and a full library of Beyond the Orphanage logo, photos, videos and stories from local partners so that they can spread the Beyond the Orphanage cause to their network.
If you are interested in getting your brand involved, please contact:
[email protected]
Map Communications
Our partnership began with MAP Communications started back in 2011, and over the years, their contributions have allowed the growth of our programs to Nepal and Kenya.
Emirates Airline
The Emirates Airline Foundation sponsors our drop in centre in Addis Ababba. The drop in centre is imperative and serves as support and safe haven for orphans in dangerous circumstances.
Kode Events
Our partnership with Kode is a very close one as our ambassador, Leigh Colbert is a Director. Kode generously hosted and organised our first event fundraiser back in June 2017.
Current Corporate Partners
Our current corporate partners help in many ways. They either directly contribute to our projects or provide the resources or tools that allow us to run the organisation. There are so many ways in which a brand or organisation can help, here are just some examples.
Map Employees
MAP Communications have set up work place giving for BTO. The company matches the monthly donation of the employees who choose to support our cause.
ACME Foundation
Each year since 2013, Julie and Jeff Wicks of the ACME foundation have supported BTO generously and directly impacted many of our projects in the field.
Red Guava
Red Guava is an amazing software company based in Melbourne, Australia. With staff based around the world, Red Guava has supported our on ground projects and our operations since 2014.

Google Ad Grants
BTO receives $10,000 USD of in kind advertising every month from AdWords, the online advertising solution from Google. This allows us to share our mission with the world.
Degabriele Kitchens
A family business since 1978, Degabriele, based in Sydney, have been partners of Beyond the Orphanage since 2016, supporting projects in the field.
Proand Associates
Like many of our long term corporate partners, ProAnd started their Beyond the Orphanage journey in 2014 by sponsoring an orphan in Ethiopia.
Boyce Accountants
Boyce have been financial supporters of BTO for nearly 4 years now. Their contribution has helped many children in Ethiopia on their way to self reliance.
The Change Starter
With BTO expanding to other developing countries, we needed The Change Starter's help with re-defining our overall Communications Strategy.
The Workery
The Workery is a co-share working space in Melbourne. It provides BTO with an invaluable in-kind donation - A place away from the home “office” for our staff to be focused, productive and energized.
Par Vous
BTO has partnered with Par Vous since 2014. Par Vous supports our mission by sponsoring 2 orphaned children from our programs.
Transcend Carpetry
Joining us in 2017, Transcend Carpentry is our newest Corporate Partner. Their sponsorship has directly changed the lives of children in Kenya.

McNally Management
For the last 3 years, McNally Management have been an ongoing corporate partner donating funds for the continuous support and growth of all BTO programs.
Beyond the Orphanage is honoured to receive the support of the following foundations who, yearly, make financial contributions to further our mission of helping vulnerable orphans.
Datt Family Foundation
Rose Family Foundation
Interested in partnering with BTO?
Our current major and corporate partners help us change the lives of the world’s most vulnerable orphans in many different ways. There are many different ways your brand can partner with Beyond the Orphanage.
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