Giving Changes Children’s Lives By Supporting Foster Families Through The BTO Program

Beyond the Orphanage

Teenagers’ attitudes to life and chances for their futures have been transformed by people like you, who support Beyond the Orphanage.

One foster mother said, “The teenagers love the family spirit of Beyond the Orphanage and how they can meet and have fun with the other teenagers at the drop-in centre and also study after school there each afternoon.  They find the same family spirit in the homes where they live as adopted orphans.

They regard guardians like myself as their parents and get on well with my own children.  We are all the same family.
Another foster mother said, “The teenager I care for loves to go to school because he finds friendship and sharing there.  I try to make sure he studies hard and usually he does, although he also likes to play.
Martha, the Beyond the Orphanage social worker visits each home. A therapist also visits each home to help solve any of the teenagers’ problems.
Each guardian is given money for food for the teenager in her care every month and for clothes, shoes and school uniforms every six months.
A grandmother said, “It would have been so difficult to bring up my grandson without Beyond the Orphanage.”
If you would like to help support teenagers and their guardians please click here.
By Philip Luker
November 25, 2015

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