New beginnings at Beyond the Orphanage (BTO) don’t just happen for children, but for their families and communities too.
Meet Berta, BTO’s talented artist
Berta is a healthy energetic young man who loves to draw. He dreams of becoming an agricultural researcher and to create art in his spare time. Both of Berta’s parents passed away during his kindergarten years.
Berta says his saddest days are when he sees his mother in his dreams, “I loved her so much” he tells us. Since joining BTO, Berta really likes going to school. He says proudly, “I’m doing really well and I study hard.” He is a great friend to the other children and can always be counted on to bring smiles to sad faces.

Berta’s guardian told us, “He is a very gentle boy and good at heart. He is gifted with creative talents and skills”. (see Berta’s gallery below)
“His life has been changed since he has joined my family. If he had not, he would have experienced problems without his parents, and basic issues around how to survive and earn money as just a child.
“Beyond the Orphanage helped my family as well as Berta, too. They provided us a food allowance, education costs, and other necessities. If it were not for BTO, my foster child would not have improved his life, health and his psychological wellbeing.
“I am very happy to be part of the BTO community, because the organisation has been a back bone for my family. Through their help I gained stability in my housing and it is my dream that the children at Beyond the Orphanage reach their maximum potential so they can support their own country and the organisation and show their gratitude for everything.”
Berta’s Gallery

Want to know more about how you can help young adults like Berta achieve their dreams? Sponsor a child today, or check out our Scholarships program for young adults!
February 26, 2017