The Origin of the Beyond The Orphanage Model of Care – PART 2

Beyond the Orphanage

Research tells us which traits, behaviours, relations and circumstances that increase (risk factors) and decrease (protective factors) the risk for long lasting problems or poor outcomes for children and youth. The children walk in the door with unique constellations of risk and protective factors. Our job is to increase the odds for success, by taking the actions described above to directly reduce the impact of risk factors and increase the impact of protective factors.

(+) Protective factors at the child’s levelStable family placement



Physical health

Sense of community

Social support

Mental health

(-) Reduced impact of risk factors at the child’s level




Gender vulnerability


School drop-out

(+) Protective factors within the familyMutual support

Family acceptance

Family cohesion

Parenting capabilities


(-) Reduced impact of risk factors at the family level



Social isolation

(+) Protective factors at the community level Education system responsive to children of many needs and strengths

Cultural alignment with extended kinship networks

Economic benefits of children prepared for self-sufficiency

(-) Reduced risk factors at the community level



Stigma of homelessness

When we start to unpack the ingredients of programs that help to create resilient children and families, we see that Beyond the Orphanage is providing the range of services children need to be successful. We hold ourselves accountable for sticking to the playbook for each child who walks in our door, and then we begin to see results.

When the Beyond the Orphanage success stories make their way to your inbox, I hope you will start to look at the logic of the program design, and the science behind every action the Beyond the Orphanage team takes.

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November 26, 2015

Next Steps

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